
I'm a Lymie... now what?

A week ago, I tested positive for Lyme disease on both the ELISA and Western Blot tests. The appointment before, I had to tell the doctor (who is not my normal doctor) "I'm not leaving here without a Lyme test." He kept telling me "You don't have Lyme" and "I see you have a history of depression, that could be causing your symptoms". I told him "you men doctors are all the same, blaming women's pain on emotional issues". My "regular" doctor gave me the results last Tuesday and even she is pretty clueless about Lyme Disease. She told me "I don't know anything about Lyme other than what I learned with the testing aspect of it in medical school". I am her first Lyme patient. The health department even said I should get a second opinion to make sure I have it. Like I said, my test was positive.

After all the doctors brushing me off, I finally have an answer. My story is not uncommon and I hope the medical field gets a clue about Lyme and creating an accurate test and finding a cure. At this time though, doctors do not even want to diagnose anyone with Lyme and insurance companies are pretty much in charge of the medical field now. They too, will not cover medical expenses for treating Lyme disease. I can't believe that once again I am trying to fight the system.

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